Divine Resonance
Sol Harmonyx
The Dove. The Holy Fire. The Rose. Wisdom. The Light that Shineth on Thee Crown. The Sacred Scent of Incense.
The "Daughter of The Voice".
Oxford defines Shekinah as "the glory of the divine presence, conventionally represented as light or interpreted symbolically (in Kabbalism) as the divine feminine aspect to YHWH."
The Shekinah holds great importance to the state of the world as we move into an age of healing, expansion, and spiritual evolution. Much of the world we see around us is a mirror image of what has been occurring internally. Imbalance. Destruction. Death. Loss. We have forgotten much of our true Divinity and the importance of coming home to our true nature. Not only does the Shekinah represent the Pure flame of Prana energy (Kundalini/Holy Spirit), but also a large part of the drawing board in healing our internal being.
Shekinah is one sacred name out of many that parallel energies in cultures sharing the same message. While my work is rooted in working with universal principles, including deep reverence to many different cultures and systems of belief, the term Shekinah has an extremely special spot in my work, spiritual journey, and heart space. I am committed to assisting humanity in the process of returning back to the layers of their full Divine self and the Holy presence that dwells within.
- Gabrielle